Meghan Stimmel ~
Meghan Stimmel ~
Round table entrepreneur talk
Meghan Stimmel is an intuitive and holistic practitioner who combines traditional psychotherapy with spiritual healing practices. Meghan’s unique understanding of the synergy and balance of the mind, heart, body, and spirit allows for an intimate and sacred journey to take place in the lives of her clients. Many of her client’s come to her feeling unfulfilled in their relationships and misaligned in the work they are currently doing in the world. They are searching for safety and security outside of themselves and wondering why they can’t seem to find peace. The transformational work that Meghan and her clients do together allow for the heart to open, the spirit to lead, and the body to release trapped energy in order for true contentment, true fullness, and monumental expansion to be felt in all aspects of their lives. The combination of traditional psychotherapy practices and holistic healing modalities provides Meghan’s clientele with a rich experience that goes beyond material wealth and possessions. It’s a fully embodied journey that awakens you into soul knowing and creates internal safety and security that cannot come from an external environment. Meghan’s past clients report feeling ‘free to be their true and authentic selves for the first time in their lives’.