Lindsey Glasson & Aaron Brooks~

Lindsey Glasson & Aaron Brooks~

Cacao & Music

“For centuries Cacao and Music have aided us in a deeper connection with ourselves, our communities and all of the beauty that surrounds us!”

Our wish is for everyone to experience this for we can see the way in which it transforms and how together we can make the world a brighter place.

Join i.eKAWA Cacao+Live Uplifted as we celebrate life, set intentions for the day, the weekend, this next season. Connecting with Cacao is a beautiful opportunity to release what is no longer serving us and welcome in all of the creative, loving and expansive energy that is available to us all!

Together we will enjoy energy expanding and grounding practices, movement and a journey into our hearts. Flow with us, the Spirit of Cacao and live music by singer song writer Aaron Brooks and Sound+Vocal Embodiment Coach Kimberly Joy. It is an honor and a blessing to share this medicine and experience with you!