The feminine embodiment course ~
A Reclamation of your womanhood. A sacred invitation to embody your full potential.
With Beth James, founder of Barefoot and Free Yoga
Join Beth to be guided through a course on how to embody your feminine energy!
Dear Sisters-
This course was created from my personal work over the last 3 years. It answered a prayer for me. I was ending my 12 year marriage KNOWING there was so much more for me, I knew I had so much healing to do and at the same time I had this pull- what I realize now - it was my feminine yearning for something JUICER, more SUSTAINABLE, some say this is our kundalini awakening. My background as a seasoned yoga teacher paved the way for me, but yoga alone wasn’t hitting the mark. Yoga, after all was originally designed for men by men. In fact, in most teachings yoga the body yogi’s are referring to in poses is the male body. Our female form is much different; physically and energetically.
Our womb is the portal to literally the “other side”. If you haven’t felt this epic center to your womb center
…. Please keep reading!
YEARNING - is one powerful way we know our bodies are speaking to us.
Are you yearning for:
More pleasure in your life - but not sure where or HOW to begin?
More softness?
More vulnerability ?
More ease?
Are you yearning to feel more connected to:
Your body and in awe and appreciation of it- but not sure how to get there?
Your intuition and the ability to trust yourself?
Sisters and other women- desiring to heal your sister wounds?
Men and feel reverence and gratitude for the good men around you.
Your sensuality and sexuality- ready to release shame and programming but need guidance?
If you answered YES to one than two of these :
I see women like you and like how I to used to operate all the TIME! I see the feminine essence trapped behind all these SHOULD BE’s that we wear. Tapping into the power of masculine energy out in the world all day long, but when it comes to feeling feminine I see women trapped and clouded in shame, rigidity and fear. Feminine essence has received a bad wrap for a long time. Our monthly cycle and the stories we have created around that are still blocking us and our daughters from tapping into our womb power.
In this course we will dig a bit deeper, you will have the chance to uncover and heal so much of your youth and wounded maiden patterning. Learning how your senses open more doors for you, learning how to release your minds judgment & embrace and truly love your body; FINALLY rewriting your story as a woman.
feedback from fellow goddesses
feedback from fellow goddesses
“Beth's feminine embodiment workshop was a vital piece of my Reclamation and healing of self. She is an Embodied Goddess who offers love and support to hold you through the peaks and valleys of the un/learning and rewilding process. The Sisterhood I have found through barefoot and free is unlike any other. I am seen, heard, loved, and celebrated. I am so grateful for all that I've gained since Beth came into my orbit “ - Kate S.
“The feminine embodiment course with Beth was pure magic. Not only did I learn so much about archetypes and how to embody them, but I learned so much about myself that I would have never learned about myself anywhere else. Sitting in circle with other sisters is an experience like no other and Beth does an amazing job of hosting them.” - Rachel B
I have created this course with the busy woman in mind!
I can not tell you how many times I backed away from committing to a course because the day they met didn’t work or I had prior obligations getting in the way.. So I created this with a NO EXCUSES in mind! We are offering several different ways to take this course- depending on YOU and your time and the depth you are seeking we have something for you!
The first option is online and done at your own pace from the comfort of your home. What I find so incredible about that is you don’t have to hold back at all! You can take your TIME- or go all in and dedicate a few weeks to pour your heart into this work!
Included in this course is:
The different archetypes and exercises for embodying each: Maiden, Mother, Crone and Wild Woman
Journaling, movement. and mediations for each embodiment
Inner child and shadow work - uncovering your core wounds that keep you in wounded feminine and masculine energy
Looking at your blocks and blind spots. Quizzes, mediations, and journaling exercises to discover your patterns and triggers
Tools and practices from Tantra and ancient lineages on how to uncover and channel your High Priestess and Wise Woman archetypes. Learning how to trust your intuitive feminine wisdom and how to be discerning with this energy.
Relationship exercises - these can be done with your partner and also for future reference
Video instructions for each segment
Maiden and healing your inner child, discovering your innate gifts, and unlocking your feminine sensual power
Mother and healing your mother and sister wounds, awakening to your birthing potential, creating more creative energy to channel into whatever your heart desires
Crone and wise woman oracle wisdom. Opening your third eye and learning more about how to share your gifts with the world. An open throat and pussy center. Accessing your feminine orgasmic potential
Wild Woman Energy and creating better boundaries in your life. Releasing your Good Girl archetype and living in your authenticity
The course is designed for you to spend a week (or more) on each archetype moving slowly and deeply into yourself. However, all the materials are yours to keep and you are free to go at your own pace.
Becoming a MASTER at embodying the energy
you want.
After this course you gain clarity on:
How to shift from masculine to feminine.
What to do when your masculine armor goes up
Practical and daily skills that help to regulate your nervous system
When triggers come up, how to look to your shadows and wounds to empower yourself.
How you like to be pleasured both by yourself and with a partner
Easy communication skills and how to set and hold better boundaries
When others are coming from a disembodied state
Your feminine cycle and how to make your daily life work around this
You will leave feeling:
SO much gratitude for being a woman
Embodied and have precision on what that means
More connected to your truth and how to listen to yourself
More connected to the masculine both within and around you
Sensual and playful
in AWE of woman and yourself!
Sister you deserve to feel this WAY- to love the body you live in and to create harmony within your energy centers and in your HOME.
The world needs your LIGHT.
Your epic loud and unashamed YOU! The future generations will learn all of this from you. This is a course to restructure the way we exist in the world. To walk into the boardroom, the office, the stage, and wherever life takes you and lead from your heart and be heard & seen!
Women creating ripples in the world by owning their energy, rediscovering their eros and desires and filling this reality with their feminine divine gifts!!!
“I enjoyed Beth’s depth of experience and her approach to teaching feminine embodiment. From her rich life experiences she shares relatable and insightful stories. She creates an environment of openness and sharing that made me very comfortable.” - Cindi W
Sisterhood Groups
This work will be profound no matter how you access it. These teachings tap into ancient codes and there is a part of you, as soon as you start doing this work that will remember. However, it is in my experience that I find the sanctimony of sisterhood to be the deepest way to descend into our feminine. The group coaching program gives you a chance to be seen in your process and your glory ~ plus form intimate life-long connections.
Private one-on-one coaching through the Feminine Embodiment Course with Beth
This work is deep and life changing. If you find yourself saying YES but you have past trauma and you are tentative to go all in without a private coaching guide-then this is for YOU!
Beth will work with you privately. Coaching you through each segment of the course over 4 months!
This will look like meeting once a week for an hour and a half and lots of communication in between, plus access to our private group online!
If you think this is for you click here to fill out an application and get in touch with Beth.
Feminine Embodiment Course + ALL 4 MODUELS
Work at your own pace
The material is yours to keep forever
Each course includes: videos, guided audio meditations, playlists, journaling exercises, exercises and prompts.
Included with the course is an invite to private feminine embodiment group on Facebook & chance to connect to other women and ask questions and stay connected
Additionally, an invite to our monthly Zoom embodiment meet ups- Beth will guide a embodiment practice and you will have the chance to share and ask questions with the group
Included is everything above plus private invite first to all in person feminine circles/ retreats and women's events with 15% off
The courses offer the chance to work at your own pace and have the material forever. It is the perfect chance to get your feet wet into embodiment work and begin to discover more about your feminine nature.
The Maiden - Feminine Embodiment Course
Work at your own pace
The material is yours to keep forever
Each course includes: videos, guided audio meditations, playlists, journaling exercises, exercises and prompts.
Included with the course is an invite to private feminine embodiment group on Facebook & chance to connect to other women and ask questions and stay connected
Additionally, an invite to our monthly Zoom embodiment meet ups- Beth will guide a embodiment practice and you will have the chance to share and ask questions with the group
The Mother - Feminine Embodiment Course
Work at your own pace
The material is yours to keep forever
Each course includes: videos, guided audio meditations, playlists, journaling exercises, exercises and prompts.
Included with the course is an invite to private feminine embodiment group on Facebook & chance to connect to other women and ask questions and stay connected
Additionally, an invite to our monthly Zoom embodiment meet ups- Beth will guide a embodiment practice and you will have the chance to share and ask questions with the group
The Crone - Feminine Embodiment Course
Work at your own pace
The material is yours to keep forever
Each course includes: videos, guided audio meditations, playlists, journaling exercises, exercises and prompts.
Included with the course is an invite to private feminine embodiment group on Facebook & chance to connect to other women and ask questions and stay connected
Additionally, an invite to our monthly Zoom embodiment meet ups- Beth will guide a embodiment practice and you will have the chance to share and ask questions with the group
The Wild Woman - Feminine Embodiment Course
Work at your own pace
The material is yours to keep forever
Each course includes: videos, guided audio meditations, playlists, journaling exercises, exercises and prompts.
Included with the course is an invite to private feminine embodiment group on Facebook & chance to connect to other women and ask questions and stay connected
Additionally, an invite to our monthly Zoom embodiment meet ups- Beth will guide a embodiment practice and you will have the chance to share and ask questions with the group
Feminine Embodiment Practices & Meditation
Work at your own pace
The material is yours to keep forever
Includes: guided audio meditations, journaling exercises, exercises and prompts.
Only $15 using code GRATEFUL as a Thank You for being a part of the Barefoot & Free Community!
Coaching Container + ALL 4 MODUELS
Sale Price:$1,222.00
Original Price:$1,999.00
For those that are ready for BIG deep life changing work, we are offering the chance to work in a small intimate coaching container with Beth and 5 other women.
This option is a 3 month intensive- Beth will guide you through the course beginning with a one on one personal coaching session. The intensive includes:
Every other week group meetings- here we will go over the work in the course, practice a segment together, have the opportunity for sharing and questions.
Once every other week, a one on one with Beth. Here you will receive a juicy 45 minutes for just YOU! We will go over everything in a more intimate and grounding way. Beth will curate the course and what specifically you need to spend more time learning and. unlearning. This one on one coaching will leave you feeling more empowered and more connected to yourself, help make the practices and tools more accessible and personal and give you the space to work through your biggest feminine blocks!
Private group online container - where we will stay in touch daily and be able to have all the support you need.
(the opportunity to continue working through coaching after 3 months and the course material yours to keep forever ) + access to the new materials that will be added to the embodiment library.
Payment plans available and limited to 6 women.
Remember we all have to begin somewhere! This course is no different from any other healing and wellness journey. What you put in, will be a direct reflection of what you get back. That being said, its a perfect beginner course. Everything is yours to keep and you can go at your own pace. All the materials are easy to follow and understand.
We completely understand. Especially because there are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to understanding what feminine embodiment is.
Feminine energy is by nature elusive ~ while masculine is by nature direct and apparent.
This course is really designed with the woman in mind who is desiring to feel more connected to her feminine nature. So this may very well be for a woman who is a little unsure still of what her feminine nature looks like and feels like. To embody means to become .
This is a course that’s teaching you in very applicable practical yet deep profound ways how to feel connected to the feminine energy within your own body. So in taking this course many of the elusive and mysterious aspects of the feminine will be revealed to you by you!
If you are still unsure - we invite you to stay connected via email & sign up when offer our free embodiment intros!
This course is designed for women 18 and UP- so if you fall between those ages THEN this is for you! There is no TOO OLD; this work can be done at any time in your life in which you feel ready!
Great question, this course was not designed by a therapist. Beth James has training in embodiment, yoga, coaching, somatic and breathwork facilitating. If you feel your past trauma will be brought up; we suggest consulting a therapist first and reaching to us for more questions regarding this: hello@barefootandfreeyoga.com
Due to the nature of this work and the many hundreds of hours poured into this creation, we do not offer refunds. This course, if you place the time and dedication to the material involved we feel confident that you will walk away feeling more connected to your feminine energy and see some beautiful changes in your life!
If you are local to Michigan- YES. Stay connected via Email and instagram for the latest embodiment offerings by Beth. Plus our Women’s retreats and online Classes ( available and happening in APRIL 2024) are also great ways to learn more before you sign up!
Photography by: Candice Lamarand Photography