Ekanti Govinda ~

Ekanti Govinda ~

Ecstatic Dance - An Offering of Sacred Vibrations to Help You on an Inner Journey to Rediscovering Your Authentic Truth…the Divine Within

An offering of sacred vibrations to help guide you on an inner journey to rediscovering your authentic truth... the Divine within! Bless the Earth with the drumming of your lotus feet! Howl and cry into the ether....laugh and frolic into the abyss of your eternal heart. No expectations! No judgment! Consent conscious! Sound medicine!!! Come bless us with your presence.

Ekanti is an intentional dance DJ with over 20 years of experience curating and performing electronic music. He's grown up in Southern Michigan his whole life and has received most of his musical influence from artists that reside from Chicago to Detroit and everywhere in between. He's heavily inspired by ancient music of the East, especially India and he incorporates those sounds and vibrations into his mixes. He views his dj sets as an offering to the Divine all around and inside of each living soul. His mission is to raise the vibration of the community at large, one spirit soul at a time.