Introducing Rachel Gomillion from Royal Oak, Michigan. She is the owner of TRV|Fit Berkley and describes herself as someone who is resilient, has strong ethics, and adventurous.

Learn more about Rachel and TRV|Fit Berkley below:

Tell us about your personal wellness journey. What led you to where you are now?

“My personal wellness journey is a story of self-discovery, growth, and resilience. It began with my childhood struggles with weight and the desire to fit in and feel better about myself. This early experience played a significant role in shaping my interest in health and fitness.

My journey took a significant turn when I pursued higher education, earning a degree in Health and Rehabilitative Programs and a Master's in Exercise Science. This educational background laid the foundation for my career in the health and fitness industry.

Moving to the Detroit suburbs marked a pivotal moment in my life. My brother's invitation to work with him led me on an unexpected path. Through my business venture with him at Chair Covers and Linens, I gained invaluable experience in business management, team building, customer service, and event planning. These skills enriched my overall perspective on health and wellness, as I learned the importance of serving people and creating memorable experiences.

However, life is full of twists and turns, and I faced the challenging decision to close the business I poured my heart into for 23 years. This experience was undoubtedly heartbreaking, but it also served as a wake-up call for me to prioritize my own health and well-being.

My decision to join TRV|FIT marked a positive turning point in my journey. Feeling energized and at home in this new fitness environment, I began to focus on improving my own health. But I didn't stop there; I listened to that inner voice that had always wanted to create a small and intimate space where people could work on themselves and feel accepted. This aspiration reflects my genuine passion for helping others on their wellness journeys.

Now, I am actively working on building a business that not only supports my dream but also creates a community that empowers individuals to prioritize their health and well-being. My journey has come full circle, from struggling with my own wellness to dedicating myself to helping others achieve their health goals.”

How did you come up with the idea for your business?

“The idea for TRV|Fit emerged from a combination of factors and circumstances that led me to invest in and infuse my own personality and spirit into the existing business. My idea for investing in TRV|Fit is from a combination of my entrepreneurial mindset, the identification of a promising business opportunity, my investment in the existing business, and my determination to infuse it with my own personality and spirit. This process transformed the business into TRV|Fit, a unique and thriving venture that reflects my vision and commitment.”

Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently when you were first starting out?

“Starting a new business is an exciting but challenging journey. Here are some key insights that I wish I knew before embarking on this entrepreneurial adventure:

  • Profitability Takes Time: Making a profit is often more challenging and time-consuming than anticipated. Be prepared for initial losses and budget accordingly. It may take months or even years before you start seeing consistent profits.

  • Idea Generation is Just the Beginning: Coming up with a great business idea is essential, but it's only the first step. The real work begins when you have to turn that idea into a viable business model and execute it effectively.

  • You Are the Brand: As a business owner, you are not just selling a product or service; you are selling yourself and your brand. Be prepared to be the face of your business and to build a personal brand that aligns with your company's values and mission.

  • Always On Mode: Running a business requires your constant attention. You'll find yourself always "on" – thinking about your business, solving problems, and making decisions. It can be mentally exhausting, so be prepared for the emotional and mental demands of entrepreneurship.

  • Time Commitment is High: Be ready to invest more time and effort into your business than you initially thought. Running a business is not a 9-to-5 job; it often requires long hours, especially in the early stages.

  • Flexibility and Adaptability are Crucial: No matter how well you plan, things rarely go exactly as expected in business. Learning to adapt quickly to changing circumstances and being open to course corrections is vital for long-term success.

  • Implementation Challenges: Bringing your idea to life and implementing it can be more complex and challenging than you imagine. Execution requires careful planning, resource management, and the ability to overcome unforeseen obstacles.

  • Financial Management is Key: Understanding your business's financials is crucial. Learn how to create and manage a budget, track expenses, and forecast revenue. Financial literacy is essential for making informed decisions.

  • Networking Matters: Building a strong network can open doors, provide valuable insights, and offer support during tough times. Attend industry events, join networking groups, and connect with other entrepreneurs.

  • Customer Focus is Paramount: Always prioritize your customers. Listen to their feedback, address their needs, and provide exceptional service. Satisfied customers can become your best brand advocates.

  • Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity: Failure is a part of entrepreneurship. Instead of dwelling on it, view it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Many successful entrepreneurs faced setbacks before achieving their goals.

  • Seek Mentoring and Guidance: Don't hesitate to seek advice and mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs or business professionals. Their insights can help you navigate challenges and make informed decisions.

  • Work-Life Balance is a Challenge: Balancing work and personal life can be tough. It's important to set boundaries and take time for self-care to prevent burnout.

  • Persistence is Key: Success in business often requires a great deal of persistence and resilience. There will be tough times, but if you keep pushing forward, you can overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.”

What is the best business advice you've ever been given?

“If you always did what you did, you will always get what you always got.”

How do you persevere in challenging times?

  • “Maintain a positive attitude: Cultivate optimism and gratitude to see challenges as opportunities.

  • Seek Inspiration: Read success stories and find motivation to overcome difficulties.

  • Time Management: Create schedules to stay organized and prioritize tasks effectively.

  • Seek Support: Lean on your support network, including friends and professionals.

  • Self-Care: I am still working on this one for sure. Prioritize well-being with exercise, rest, and hobbies.”

What impact do you want your business to have?

“I want TRV|Fit to have a significant impact on both the physical and mental well-being of individuals. Our goal is to help people develop not only strong and healthy bodies but also strong and healthy minds. Here are some key impacts I want TRV|Fit to be known for:

Physical Health and Fitness: I want TRVFIT to help individuals improve their physical health and fitness. This involves providing effective workout programs, nutrition guidance, and support for achieving and maintaining a strong and healthy body.

Mental Health: I aim to address the mental aspect of well-being by helping people overcome self-sabotaging thoughts and fostering a positive mindset. I do this by offering resources for building self-confidence, managing stress, and promoting a positive self image.

Holistic Well-Being: TRV|Fit seeks to promote a holistic approach to well-being, recognizing that a healthy body alone is not enough. I want individuals to understand the importance of working on their inner selves, such as building self-esteem, self-love, and emotional resilience.

Empowerment: Our goal is to empower individuals to take control of their physical and mental health. We provide tools and workshops for personal growth and self improvement, allowing people to become the best versions of themselves.

Healthier Relationships with Bodies: I aspire to help people develop a healthier and more positive relationship with their bodies. I encourage self-acceptance, body positivity, and celebrating the capabilities and potential of the human body.

Discovering Potential: TRV|Fit aims to help individuals discover and unleash their full potential. We do this by helping them realize what their bodies are capable of achieving and pushing their limits in a healthy and safe way.

Community and Support: Building a supportive community is what TRV|Fit is all about. It can provide individuals with a sense of belonging, motivation, and accountability in their fitness and personal growth journeys.”

What knowledge would you share with someone who wants to become an entrepreneur of a wellness business?

“Stay Focused on Your Path: I cant emphasize enough the importance of maintaining a clear vision and staying committed to your goals. It's easy to get distracted or discouraged, but remind yourself to keep their long-term objectives in mind. Avoid Comparisons: I would encourage others to resist the urge to compare themselves to others in the industry. Each wellness practitioner has their own unique approach and journey. Comparisons can lead to self-doubt and detract from your authenticity. Manage Self-Doubt: I would also say that self-doubt is common, especially when building a business. It's crucial to acknowledge these feelings but not let them derail progress. Patience and Kindness: Building a career in wellness, like any other field, takes time. Emphasize the need for patience with oneself. Share strategies for self-compassion and self-care to maintain mental and emotional well-being during challenging times.”

What do you do for personal and professional development?

“For personal and professional development, I believe in a holistic approach that encompasses various strategies and resources. I've actively engaged in mentorship programs, such as the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses initiative, to gain valuable insights and guidance for my business growth.

I also place a strong emphasis on personal growth and self-discovery, which is why I've participated in personal growth retreats like Retreat to Reclaim. These experiences have been transformational for me. In addition to that, I'm an avid consumer of inspirational content through podcasts, including those hosted by Mel Robbins and Gabby Bernstein. Their insights have had a positive impact on my personal and professional life.

Therapy is another non-negotiable aspect of my development journey, as it provides a crucial space for self-reflection and addressing emotional challenges.

Networking has played a pivotal role in my professional growth as well. Attending networking events and putting myself out there consistently has helped me expand my connections and learn from others in my field.

I've also been an active member of organizations like the National Association of Women Business Owners, which provides valuable resources and networking opportunities.

Furthermore, I'm committed to continuously learning and regularly attend online courses, workshops, and seminars. Reading relevant books and setting clear goals keeps me motivated and on track.”

What mantra or quote do you live by?

“Be yourself everybody else is already taken.”

What is your favorite wellness activity or hobby?

“Spending time with my family, hiking, and dancing.”

What are a few of your favorite wellness products, and why?

  • TRV|FiT Greens are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. They may offer several benefits, including improved digestion, increased energy, detoxification, antioxidant support, and alkalizing effects.

  • TRVFIT Omega helps with reducing inflammation, alleviating joint pain and stiffness associated with conditions like arthritis, improved joint lubrication, and cartilage protection.

  • TRVFIT Collagen Peptide Products support skin health, joint support, hair and nail growth, and gut health.

What are some of your favorite wellness-related businesses to support?

“Retreat to Reclaim, Detroit Mom, Vibe with Sam Schmuck, Channeled Baker, Wellness Warrior (Lindsaya VanDeusen), Sunshine House. So many actually, I love supporting others on their journey!”


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